The Formula for a Fulfilling Life

Zary G. Manning
3 min readJul 31, 2019


A Fulfilling Life = Purpose + Happiness — Hindrances

(See the video for this article here:

To summarize the formula —

A fulfilling life equals a mission to help something (purpose), plus things that make you happy (happiness), minus things that are not conducive to your happiness or mission (hindrances).

Lets break down the formula:

  1. Step one is to find and pursue a purpose:

So how do we find a purpose…? By engaging in purposeful actions!

Examples of purposeful actions include:

Helping family

Helping friends

Helping co-workers

Helping strangers

Helping animals

Helping nature

If you’ll notice, all of the purposeful actions entailed helping something other than ones self. Volunteering at a soup kitchen is something that might give you a sense of purpose. Preparing dinner for your family can turn from a chore into something that gives you purpose. Picking up a piece of trash that’s blowing in the wind, that too can give you a small sense of purpose. Any act that allows you to self-transcend yourself and do something good, that is an act which will increase your sense of purpose in life.

In short, for one to feel as though they have a “purposeful” life, that person needs provide something of benefit to someone or something other than themselves. They need to achieve a healthy level of self-transcendence. However, if ones efforts do not actually lead to anything that benefits something other than themselves, this could lead to a feeling of meaningless. For example, an author who spends their life writing but never finds readership may look back and feel as though their life was a waste, that they never managed to help, influence or entertain anyone. It is important to evaluate whether your intended purpose is actually having a noticeable effect. If the authors works are failing to gain readership, then maybe he needs to try something different. Or at the very least, maybe the author needs to attempt a different tactic for gaining readership.

Once we dedicate ourselves something or people we can actually be of benefit to, we are ready to move on to step two, the second part of the equation, adding happiness into our life.

2.) Step two is to increase our happiness levels:

The key to finding happiness revolves around a grateful attitude and doing things you love to do. You’ll feel even happier if you can manage to do the things you love to do with the people you care about.

Examples of things that can increase happiness include:

Like Minded friends

Tasty and healthy food

Enjoyable hobbies

Meditation &


3.) Step three is to remove our hindrances:

Removing hindrances entails breaking bad habits and removing ourselves from situations and relationships that are not conducive to our happiness or purpose. This might be the hardest step, but if you can accomplish steps one and two, step three should be be easier.

If your job is a hindrance, improving your work environment or finding a new job is crucial. No employer wants to hire someone who is indifferent to life and struggles with depression. Figuring out step one (purpose) and step two (happiness), that will help you get the raise or promotion, that will help you get the job you might be searching for. Figuring out your purpose and happiness will also help you eliminate bad relationships and move forward with your most ambitious goals.

Examples of hindrances you might need to get out of your life:

A low paying job

A bad home life

Bad friends


Bad diet

Sleeping in too late

Etc. etc., the list goes on.



Zary G. Manning
Zary G. Manning

Written by Zary G. Manning

Zary enjoys writing computer programs and novels | To sign up for Zarys newsletter:

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